#Kadountukblogger #UnforgotTEN @GagasMedia

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#Kadountukblogger #UnforgotTEN @GagasMedia

What do you think about a book?

For me, book is my soul. I have been a voracious reader. Since I was a kid, i read everything. I remember when my mom gave a book to me. And I'm falling in love with words.

Dulu, gue baca ya cuma baca aja, nggak ada niat untuk ngereview or something. Just enjoying the book. Gue pernah merasakan masa-masa susah mendapatkan buku karena tinggal di kota kecil yang untuk ngedapetin buku mesti menempuh perjalanan darat selama dua jam. Jadi, jangan harap bisa langsung melahap buku new release.

But now I can find every book that I want. Anything. Dan ketika akses untuk mendapatkan buku itu semakin gampang, minat baca gue semakin menjadi-jadi. It's okay when I'm laying in my bed for several days with books. Just me and book. That's kind of heaven for me.

Setelah aktif ngeblog, gue mulai sering membuat review. I just want to share. Nggak peduli buku itu memuaskan atau nggak , I just want to share. Because sharing is part of love. I just want anyone out there, who have a difficulties to find a great book, can get a mini-perspective from me. I read anything but  for now I prefer romance chicklit and sometimes I read fantasy--if I want to escape from reality hehe.

Gagasmedia. I know Gagasmedia since I was in Senior High School. Kambing Jantan was the first Gagasmedia's book who I've read. And then Cintapuccino and I love it. Then came Always Layla who make me cry all day long. When I was in college and I think that romance is my cup of tea, Gagasmedia provide me with a loooootttt of romance. Pillow Talk, Baby Proposal, Dia, Rain Affair, After Office Hour, Alpha Wife and many more. I know Christian Simamora, Dahlian, Ollie, Clara Canceriana, WIndry Ramadhina and many more from Gagasmedia's book.

What I love from Gagasmedia? As a hopeless romantic person, i always feel hungry to eat more and more and more about romance. Dan siapa yang bisa menolak kalau Gagasmedia itu gudangnya cerita romance? Bukan hanya roman, sebuah buku juga bisa mengajak pembacanya melanglang buana. Travel literature. Gue bisa mengunjungi sebuah negara hanya bermodalkan buku. Being coach traveller.

And when romance and travelling become one, all I can say is I AM VERY HAPPY. Two thumbs up for Setiap Tempat Punya Cerita. So, from romance to travel literature, Gagasmedia fullfil my needs. I'm looking forward to more surprises from Gagasmedia *ide-idenya out of the box banget*

Di tahun 2013 ini, minat baca gue sedang gila-gilanya. Gue punya target membaca 100 buku Indonesia asli dan 50 buku berbahasa Inggris *sounds ambisius? Well, I don't care* and i share my review in this blog. Because of that, I 'pursue' Gagasmedia to choose me as one of 30 bloggers to receive a ten packs of books. It was my pleasure. I'll read all of them and write the review.

Here's 10 Things I Love About Reading and Reviewing and Why I Deserve to be a Winner
1. Book is my way to keep me alive.
When I feel bored or tired or anything, reading is my way to make me feel still alive *lebay*. But seriously, kalau bosan atau stuck or anything, gue bisa lari ke dunia yang diciptakan oleh buku yang gue baca. And it's fun.

2. Book is my friend to accompany me.
As a commuter, I spent a lot of my time at train or public transportation. It sucks. Traffic or waiting at train station are wasting my time and I hate to do nothing. So, I need a book. Gue bisa menyelesaikan satu novel hanya dalam perjalanan ke dan dari kantor di atas kereta. Dan ketika baca, I forget anything. Gue lupa akan capek karena berdesak-desakan di kereta atau lupa akan bosan karena macet. That's why I always keep a book in my bag.

3. Books make me happy.
Satu buku bikin gue senang, apalagi sepuluh? Ohmigod.

4. Book is my kind of share
Ada banyak informasi terdapat di buku, bahkan buku yang katanya nggak banget pun menyimpan banyak informasi. Ketika ngereview, gue juga memunculkan informasi-informasi itu sehingga bukan cuma gue yang makin pinter, orang lain juga, hehe.

5. (Don't) judge a book by it's cover
Classic. Siapa yang bisa menolak cover buku Gagasmedia yang selalu juara? Seringkali gue membeli buku karena tergiur oleh cover-nya. Kalau ternyata isinya nggak sesuai selera, ya nevermind.

6. Books make me travel without moving
Couch travelling versi gue. Mau ke Paris, silakan cari buku dengan setting Paris. New York, Milan, London, Singapore, Bali, Yogya, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Seoul, even Westeros and Middle-earth, I can go there. With my books.

7. Books make me feel full of love
I am hopeless romantic person and I am proud of that. Buku membuat gue jatuh cinta, bukan hanya karena ceritanya, tetapi juga karena tokoh-tokohnya, terutama pria. Christian Simamora, Dahlian, Windry Ramadhina dan Nina Ardianti memuaskan dahaga gue akan pria-pria slurpee nan lovable.

8. Reading and Reviewing helps author to write better.
I see form author's perspective. I am a writer and I've learned a lot from books I've read. Mulai dari hal simpel seperti tata bahasa dan tanda baca, sampai ke hal yang lebih kompleks seperti pengembangan karakter atau deskripsi atau narasi atau dialog yang memikit. Anything. Dengan review, gue juga bisa membantu si penulis untuk melihat titik kelemahannya dan memperbaikinya in his/her next book.

9. Book is a kind of saving
Book is an investment. Gue punya buku Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck cetakan tahun 1939 yang diturunkan di keluarga mama. Itu warisan berharga buat gue. And I do it now. Koleksi buku gue yang kelak bisa dibaca oleh anak gue.

10. Book is my teacher
Bukan hanya pengalaman yang bisa menjadi guru, buku pun begitu. Gue bisa belajar banyak hal. Entah itu kehidupan di zaman perang, kehidupan perempuan di New York, dating rules, sex and relationship, money, pengembangan diri, anything.

I hope I'll be one of the luckiest bloggers.

And here's my wishlist.

Restart by Nina Ardianti
I never read Nina's book before but I read her blog. I am falling in love with her writing style. Dan buku ini punya review bagus. Everybody talks about it. Gue rasa itu cukup jadi alasan why I want to read this book.

Notasi by Morra Quatro
I read Rorgiven and I love it. Notasi is Morra's new book. The story is about Indonesia at 1998. Reformasi. Juga tentang berdirinya radio besar di Yogya, Swaragama. Cerita cinta berbalut sejarah? Can't wait to read this book.

Paris by Prisca Primasari
I read Eclairs and Kastil Es dan Air Mancur Yang Berdansa I have no doubt about her. Enough said.

Roma by Robin Wijaya
Everyone said that Paris is the most romantic place in the world but for me, It's Roma. When love and fashion and football become one, haha. Gue mau tahu seperti apa Robin menceritakan romantisme Roma.

Fly To The Sky by Nina Ardianti and Moemoe Rizal
Gagasduet is one of surprise from Gagasmedia. Menurut review, buku ini banyak dianggap sebagai Gagasduet terbaik, so I want to read this.

Refrain by Winna Efendi
Perjumpaan pertama dengan Winna, melalui Ai, belum membuat gue jatuh cinta. Lalu ada Remember When and I love it. Berhubung Refrain The Movie akan segera tayang, I want to read this book before watch the movie.

Camar Biru by Nilam Suri
I love the cover. Enough said.

Always, Laila by Andi Eriawan
Gue pernah punya buku ini dan membacanya ketika SMA dan gue masih ingat kesedihan yang gue alami ketika membaca buku ini. Namun buku gue hilang dan ketika Gagasmedia menerbitkan ulang buku ini, I am so happy. Gue akan membaca ulang buku ini meski yakin gue akan nangis lagi.

Separate Beds by LaVyrle Spencer
I love Then Came Heaven dan sayang sekali gue belum sempat baca buku ini. I love Spencer so I will love this book.

Melbourne by Winna Efendi
Jarang-jarang yang mengambil setting Australia sebagai latar cerita. Gue tertarik karena Winna mengambil Melbourne yang masih jarang diangkat. I just want to know about Melbourne dan romantisme kota itu.
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