A Gift for Myself: Thirty Stories to Make the Most of Your Life

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“I want to talk with myself because I want to know what is the most beautiful thing in my life.”

Agustus menjadi bulan favorit di sepanjang tahun karena di sinilah kehidupan saya bermula. Tepatnya, dua hari menjelang akhir Agustus, saya terlahir ke dunia, 29 tahun lalu. Beberapa tahun terakhir, saya memulai sebuah kegiatan rutin setiap kali akan merayakan ulang tahun, yaitu memberi kado buat diri sendiri berupa tulisan.

Tahun lalu, saya memulainya di rangkaian seri 30 Days 30Stories. Namun saya gagal di hari ke-25. Meski begitu, tetap saja itu sebuah pencapaian bagi saya.

Di tahun ini, saya kembali melakukan hal yang sama. Bedanya, kali ini saya membuat tema besar yaitu “to make the most of your life.” Seperti biasa, saya kembali meneror teman-teman untuk memberikan ide sesuai dengan tema besar ini.

Actually, it’s very challenging.

Beberapa ide membuat saya tersenyum lebar karena merasa idenya gampang. Ide lain cukup membuat terbelalak karena sedikitpun tidak pernah terpikirkan hal itu sebelumnya. Ide lain membuat saya harus berpikir keras untuk menuliskannya.

So, here they are:
1.          The most surprising thing you learn about yourself when travel solo (Muti)
2.          The most wasted money you have ever spent on/expensive things you regret buying (Fajar/Marti)
3.          The most painful thing you feel growing older (Marti)
4.          The most shocking thing you know about yourself when dealing with your significant other (Marti)
5.          The most emotional moment in your life (Wita)
6.          The most humbling experience that shaped me (Achil)
7.          The most valuabe thing that you got this year (Adit)
8.          The most rebellious thing that you’ve ever done (Nyit)
9.          The most jaw dropping things that you do this year (Ai)
10.       The most feared of (things/keadaan) (Kenjrot)
11.       The most unsuccesful story you’ve ever had (Diva)
12.       The most remarkable skincare for me (Ayu)
13.       The scariest thought you had about getting married (Maggie)
14.       The most interesting thing being ‘anak rantau’ (Nanien)
15.       The most guilty pleasure thing you ever did (Fhia)
16.       The most outrageous friend (Yuska)
17.       The most inspiring person and what she did (Manda)
18.       The most unpredictable moment in your life (Rey)
19.       The most painful jealousy (Lescha)
20.       The scariest thought about your career (Danis)
21.       The most wanted country you want to visit (Veve/kenjrot)
22.       The most shameful story during your teen life (Jaja)
23.       The most expensive mistake you’ve ever did (Rhara)
24.       The most common question in your late 20s  (Fajar)
25.       The most stressful moment (Aziz)
26.       The most beautiful goodbye (Nana)
27.       the most unexpected truth about your love lif (Intan)
28.       the most difficult things that you've got this year (Zola)
29.       The meanest thing someone did to me (Mita)
30.       The most beautiful person whom I can live with (Tyara)

I will star publish my story since 2nd August 2018. I hope that I could write all if them so it would be the best gift for my birthday.

Wish me luck,

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